Sunday 15 September 2013

English Assessment

No... No... I am not a witch  

My feelings were all over, I felt angry yet could do nothing otherwise it will not help my case. The shackles casing my hands felt as though they are getting tighter and tighter. I looked over to my family, I could feel their disbelieve, yet; the felling of disappointment was strongly overshadowing. My son and daughter were each crying, wishing I wasn't there, however it couldn't be changed. Nothing can be un done. Looking around I recognised many people, just a few days ago we were chatting down the street, now shouting in the courtroom. 

How could any of this be true, people were claiming to have seen what hasn't been seen, and feeling what hasn't been felt. Is this fair? Lying in the face of justice in order to keep there hands clean, it's easier just watching life go by than fighting for what you believe in. Do they fill the regret which I did, do they feel the sorrow between one another. Watching friend after friend being taken away will change you, only then can you know what I have been through. 

Believing is one thing, being believed in is another. Satan's within me, controlling my actions. Giving me power, how could he do such things. I am a man of God and always will be. People only believe when they're in the dark, never in the light. Now is a time of darkness, and they have chosen to believe witchcraft. 

Innocent, person after person has been accused, jailed and killed like dogs, how could man do this to one another. It's human nature to help, however it's also to survive, what should you do? Help an innocent friend, or standby and forever feel the regret well up within you. I chose the wrong option. I helped. People believe that helping one's friend who has been accused is witchcraft in itself. No one understands fully, only people who understand have been where I have been never been able to share with anyone else.  

Aiding one's neighbour was something which seemed the most obvious thing to do, the most noble, fighting for what I believe, not watch and standby with the liars, looking at those being accused and playing along with the facade in order to stay safe. Out of the dark and into the so called light. 

Or, is it the work of Satan, making me believe in a false hope, deceiving me into doing his work. Making me support a side with no hope, no truth, but hatred and curse. It must be a curse? It's only Satan which can create this much hardship, nothing, no one else is able to conjure up such dark power. So, am I witch, am I doing this for my sake and my conscience; or for him, the darkness, the condemned, the horror.   



  1. Criteria A:9
    Really good story and piece, maybe next time you could add a twist in the story.

    Criteria C: 9
    Really good not much or anything to add.

  2. A9, C7 - great story that employs several literary devices. Some errors that would be picked up with careful proof-reading.
